Saturday, January 8, 2011

Visit to Suchin

After Cedric's Doctor Absin Day we visited Suchin. Cedric's future girlfriend?! Hmmm.. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yellow Cab afternoon

Yay!! Thanks for your treat Ate Darlb. Sa uulitin? 

New Yorks Finest. Sola Iced Tea. Hot Wings. Chicken Alfredo Pasta

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

We heard mass at Cathedral 12 noon with Auntie Lang, Ate Apple and Cedric. We ate our lunch at Yellow Cab, thanks to Auntie Lang for her treat. Can’t get enough of YC!! I so love YC!  Happy New Year Everyone. XOXO

2011. New chances, new challenges, new hopes!
Waiting for the clock strikes 12.
First Mass of the year
Waiting for our food. ^_^